All applicants must submit the completed application form on, all supporting materials, and US$135 application fee online by September 30, 2021.  Only complete applications will be considered by the Competitor Selection Jury.

Please keep in mind the following as you complete your application:


Your video audition files are the primary basis on which you will be evaluated to become a competitor for the 2022 Hilton Head International Competition.  Thus, it is incumbent upon all applicants to be sure that video audition files adhere to the following guidelines:


  • There should be at least three works, reflecting contrasting styles and periods, recorded for the audition. 
  • The total time for all the files combined must be between 20 and 30 minutes.
  • Submitted files should represent the applicant’s best possible performance of his/her selected works.
  • All works must be played from memory, with no music scores in evidence.
  • Solo performance only; no orchestral performance will be accepted.

Recording Instructions

  • Applicants should utilize the best possible video and audio equipment to record the audition files. These files represent the first and only opportunity for applicants to display their pianistic capabilities to the Selection Jury.
  • Be sure your setting is professional and appropriate, your piano is in good tune, and the sound quality accurately reflects your musicality. For best sound quality, use external microphones (mounted independently of camera).
  • NO EDITING of an individual work is permitted.
  • The video must clearly show applicant’s face and hands during the performances.
  • In order to preserve anonymity during the audition process, please DO NOT add your name to the title of the individual files.
  • Video files must be recorded after September 30, 2020.   


  • Each work must be uploaded in an individual video file.
  • All video audition files must be uploaded to the HHIPC Getacceptd website. NO DVDs or CDs will be accepted for audition purposes.
  • Listen to the video files before uploading to guarantee the quality of the recording.


The following supporting documents must be uploaded with the application:

  • Current biography, between 225 and a maximum of 250 words, as a WORD file (no PDF’s please)
  • One (1) professional color photograph (headshot) uploaded as HI-RES 300 dpi JPEG file
  • Proof of citizenship and age (scan of passport preferred)

An  endorsement form must be filled out by two current or recent teachers or musical professionals who can speak to the applicant’s performance quality and capabilities is required.  The applicant will enter the endorser’s email address in the application form.  Acceptd will contact each endorser via email and have him/her fill out the form online.


Applicants will be notified of their acceptance/alternate/non-acceptance status by e-mail message through, sent no later than November 17, 2021.


If you have been selected as one of the 20 competitors or as one of the alternates, you must be prepared to submit electronically three (3) audio files by December 1, 2021.  Instructions will be provided on the uploading process when you are notified of your competitor status.  The audio files will only be used for publicity purposes and to create a sampler CD which showcases the competitors, with a selection of one of the works of each competitor, chosen by the competition staff from the three files submitted.

The audio files are not adjudicated by either the Competitor Selection Jury or the Competition Jury and become the property of the Competition organization.   The files must contain:

  • Three works uploaded in 3 separate audio files, each being a complete work or movement lasting a maximum of 10 minutes each.
  • Total time of all files should be no more than 30 minutes.
  • Works should be of contrasting composers and styles.
  • Audio files may be extracted from the video audition files (as long as they meet the above timing criteria) or may be different works than those submitted for audition purposes.
  • Please make sure that the audio quality is appropriate for publicity.